І тур олімпіади з англійської мови.

11 лютого 2020

На кафедрі іноземних мов, латинської та медичної термінології відбувся І тур олімпіади з англійської мови.

Переможці олімпіади - Анатолій Мякохліб (медичний факультет №1, група 4, III)
Павло Кіндій (стоматологічний факультет, група 9, I) 
Ілля Рокотянський (медичний факультет №1, 3 група, I).

On the February, 6, 2020, the students of Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy had the opportunity to demonstrate their passion for English. They participated in the first stage of Ukrainian Students’ English Olympiad organized by the English section of the Department of Foreign Languages, Latin and Medical Terminology. The event was aimed to promote excellence in English language learning. The smooth running of the event was the responsibility of V. Kostenko, Yu. Lysanets,  S. Efendieva, K. Havrylieva.

The top 3 competition finalists, Anatoliy Miahkokhlib (Medical Faculty №1, group 4, III), Pavlo Kindiy (Stomatological Faculty, group 9, I), and Illia Rokotianskyi (Medical Faculty №1, group 3, I) were chosen based on the number of total points they had collected from the written test, listening task, essay writing and their speeches. They will be qualified for the second stage of the National English Olympiad for Students of non-language specialties. We also thank all those who participated in the Olympiad and demonstrated creativity and competitive language skills.